Saturday, January 1, 2022

Publishing Schedule

Sometimes I receive inquiries about the timeline in which I intend to publish such and such a book and also requests to first publish this or that title. Needless to say, I can work on only one text at a time and cannot attend to personal requests. Below is a tentative schedule according to my own criteria, which is based on important factors, such as the number of secured manuscript copies at present. The order may be changed if I find compelling reasons. Additional discoveries may also be given priority. The dates are just a rough estimation. It may be faster or slower, depending on how favourable life is.


1.Kāvya-kaustubha with gloss (2025)

2.Govinda-bhāṣya with Sūkṣmā-ṭīkā (2026)

3.Gītā-bhūṣaṇa (2027)

4.Stava-mālā-bhūṣaṇa (2028)

5.Laghu-bhāgavatāmṛta-ṭīkā (2029)

6.Sāhitya-kaumudī with commentary (2030)

7.Tattva-sandarbha-ṭīkā (2031)

8.Vaiṣṇavānandinī prathama/daśama (2033)

9.Laghu-siddhānta-kaustubha (2034)

10.Pada-kaustubha (2035)

11.Śabda-sudhā (2036)

Already published: 

1.Chandaḥ-kaustubha-bhāṣya (2013)

2.Siddhānta-darpaṇa with commentary (2014)

3.Tattva-dīpikā (2016)

4.Brahma-sūtra-kārikā-bhāṣya (2017)

5.Siddhānta-ratnam with commentary (2019)

6.Vedānta-syamantaka with gloss (2019)

7.Nāmārtha-sudhā (2022)

8.Prameya-ratnāvalī with commentary (2022)

9.Vrajaiśvarya-kādambinī with commentary (2023)

10.Śyāmānanda-śataka-ṭīkā (2023)

11.Gopāla-tāpanī-bhāṣya (2024)

Other publications:

Mūla-Rāmāyaṇam (2015)

Viśvanātha Cakravartī's Gaura-gaṇa-svarūpa-tattva-candrikā (2015)

Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī's Viveka-śatakam (2017)

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